About Us

The Foundation

Fondazione Milano per Expo Ente del Terzo Settore was formed for Expo Milano 2015 by a number of entrepreneurs who found support from Assolombarda and the Milan Chamber of Commerce.

It was the same group that supported the candidature of Italy to host Expo, as a fertile terrain of opportunity for Milan and the entire Italian system, but also in favour of developing countries.

It was formed with the great aspiration of becoming a prototype in the panorama of Italian foundations in the field of sustainability. The intent remained as an expression of the faith that the business world has in Expo Milano 2015 as a meeting ground for countries.

The Foundation means to accept the challenges that an enterprise must, today more than ever, be able to tackle, creating an environment that is favourable to inclusion and diversity and helping the increasingly challenging and critical matching of the demand for professional profiles and training/university education.

The project sustained by Fondazione Milano per Expo ETS has offered and will go on offering this synthesis of good intentions, going ahead with enterprises which are important factors for the growth of society and economies, also in emerging countries.

Development projects as a permanent sustainable heredity

Both through concrete action, banking on the richness of exchanges coming from Expo Milano 2015 and through various horizons that come together such as: business associations, the academic world of research and innovation and the Institutions, enriching the heredity of Expo Milano 2015 in all these areas so as to construct a true “BASIN OF KNOWLEDGE”.


Models of permanent
sustainable heredity

The foundation, created with the main aim of leaving to Milan, Italy and the emerging countries MODELS OF PERMANENT SUSTAINABLE HEREDITY by contributing to, sustaining, empowering and spreading the development of talent, was then engaged in concrete actions banking on the development of relationships and projects to make the most of the entrepreneurial world and the Italian system through specific competences and participation in the world of Expo.

If past projects have generated MODELS WITHOUT FRONTIERS, the aim today is to corroborate the knowledge and competence through the experience that the world of Expo nourishes and highlights.

As our signature says:
We want to create connections that are lively and not discounted between Italian businesses with their best competences and countries that are increasingly emerging with many talents remaining unexpressed. But also connections between Foundations with common objectives and national and international Institutions.


Clear, and above all
shared objectives

1 In line with the issues tackled from time to time by Expos we want to spread good practices for sustainable development.

2 To give true responses to problems intensifying our commitment, in a coherent and convincing way, to the 17 objectives of sustainable development in Agenda 2030 in people’s lives.

3 Moreover, we want our commitment to have an INNOVATIVE imprint, in its approach and the capacity to do business (social entrepreneurship).

4 Finally we wish to support enterprises in the areas where the Italian system is a candidate for international roles.